“fonelady” by Smith & Lady
at sleepy hollow lake
i learned to swim
at sleepy hollow lake
in that huge pool
on cold mornings
in summer, they threw
me in
i would not go myself
i was a boy facing fear
like a fat black snake
when it seemed I might drown
they shoved a bamboo pole
in the water for me to grab,
to reel me in like a slippery carp
i opened the door this morning,
& the wind
greeted me like freezing
no one to throw me outside
this time, i went willingly
~ markk
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Amazon tributary
The small girl lay on the river bank
alongside the large fish.
His long whiskers touched the tips
of her hair.
His eyes, looking this way and that,
held amazement –
to find her there after so many years.
The small girl stroked his body.
Her palms and limbs slowly became
armoured in scales.
First her left shoulder, then her right
until her body was wholly silver
his stiff whiskers caught in her hair.
When she turned to kiss him she found
he had slipped back
into his river.
~ Geraldine Green
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