13333 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida by Stephen Paternite<\/p><\/div>\n
The Sun Rises Before it Sets by PM Pope and Tarot by Heather Ann Schmidt<\/a><\/p>\n Salton Sea by KE<\/a><\/p>\n Burr Comb 1 and Yen by Smith<\/a><\/p>\n Dandelions by Amy Roskilly and Safe to Say by Bree<\/a><\/p>\n St. Francis by Denise Dee and Family Camping by Lady<\/a><\/p>\n 13333 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida by Stephen Paternite and Times of Not Thinking about Problems by Daniel Gallick<\/a><\/p>\n Opera by the Lake by Joe Balaz<\/a><\/p>\n Into the Eyes of Floral by PM Pope and In and Out, Around by Smith<\/a><\/p>\n Oregon Coast by James Coufalik and Savage Gulf by John Swain<\/a><\/p>\n Our Compost Bin by Smith and poem by Bree<\/a><\/p>\n Flowers by John Swain and The Moonflower’s Sonnet on an August Night by Heather Ann Schmidt<\/a><\/p>\n