Thrive Bees – Lady<\/p><\/div>\n
Bee Where<\/strong><\/p>\n My bees knees knock now ~ Steven B. Smith<\/p>\n <\/p>\n FIRST TIME BEEKEEPER<\/strong><\/p>\n First time beekeeper Little furry bodies buzzing around my mind When the actuality of Christs and Buddhas manifest ~ Lady<\/p>\n <\/p>\n
\nbut know there’s a beeline
\nbetween the birds and bees
\nand the bee in my bonnet
\nbecause I’m busy as a bee
\nand though it’s none of your beeswax
\nI can float like a butterfly sting like a bee
\nor act like a queen bee
\nwhat with spelling bees
\nand sewing bees
\nand husking bees
\nsince I’m a beehive of activity
\nin eternal bee or not to be
\nso best beware
\nput a bee on
\nbelieve me
\nbe kind
\nbee be<\/p>\n
\ndiving into the deep end of
\nancient tradition, cachunking myself–
\na shiny modern cog–direct into the machinery
\nof the gooey web of life<\/p>\n
\nbees I’m going to meet, eyes peeking out of box
\nflowing fuzzy body mass<\/p>\n
\nthey do it in a renewed body of beekeepers and treekeepers–
\nidentity spread around in collective body, the dharma body of
\ntranscendental Reality deciding to mulch itself into material hands
\ndoing things to renew, repair, grow, garden, a kind of reversal
\nof entropy, or at least making good use of entropy, like it’s
\nsome humus out of which we sprout lotuses
\norganically grown perfection
\nof smooth petal valleys<\/p>\n