Moon – Sandy Eberhardt<\/p><\/div>\n
Howling at the Sun<\/strong><\/p>\n When wolves slaver & Looking for shadows With an inappropriate Lungs about to burst Is bright as any day ~ KE<\/p>\n Li’l Red Ridin’hood<\/strong><\/p>\n Hey li’l girl what you doin’ tonight ~ Steven B. Smith<\/p>\n
\nLick their yellow teeth
\n& stare into the sun<\/p>\n
\nOf things to come the
\nGround becomes wet<\/p>\n
\nMud shaped of clawed
\nFeet & filling like their<\/p>\n
\nWith the scent of un
\nKnown origin & night<\/p>\n
\nYet the wait is hard &
\nSeemingly endless<\/p>\n
\nfull moon’s up and the sun’s outa sight
\nfur’s poppin’ out all over my arms
\nwet tongue’s stretchin’ my wolfen charms
\nnose gettin’ longer, brow pushin’ out
\nyour pheromones explodin’ my snout
\ninner hunger howlin’ at moon up sky
\nsniffin’ whiffen your hot honey pie
\nwe’ll seek small game for midnight snack
\nthen get right back to snack in crack
\nafterward we’ll stroll through the gloom
\nhowl healthy high at the low moon
\nthree full moonsful I’ll be this way
\ngive us a chance for primitive play
\nbefore I revert back to my stick of man
\nhaving to weigh what it legally can
\nmy werebrain’s smaller but it don’t care
\ncuz fun factor’s larger everywhere
\nso howl pretty baby give me a lick
\nlet’s run through the wild lickety split
\nyesterday’s gone tomorrow ain’t here
\nforget the guilt of your Freudian fear
\nlet’s jam the thicket and jelly the lane
\ncuz for three nights there’s no sin no blame
\nlet’s run and fall and feel and sprawl
\nflow with the wild in guttural call
\nwe ain’t gotta live the life of the tame
\ndon’t have to leave the same as we came
\nwe got the goods the moves and the will
\nlet’s play away society’s ills<\/p>\n